Bess Katramados is a famous former model and the second wife of famous WWE Superstar Big Show (Paul Donald Wight). He was born in 1973 in Illinois, USA. She lights candles every year on her birthday, 13th July. His zodiac sign is Cancer. She lived in New York when she was a model. Even after marriage, she maintains her figure and looks very beautiful. If we talk about her career, Bess Katramados always wants to join glamour world. She started her career from her hometown Illinois. In 2020, a new Netflix show “The Big Show show” made her a hot topic as her husband appeared in this program.
Who is Bess Katramados?
Bess Katramados has gained popularity by her modeling career but she later got famous across the globe when she married to the big show. She has become the second wife of the Big show after Piavis. There are rumors in the industry that both of them are having an affair already. Later, Piavis and the big show divorced and they got married. Bess Katramados had a great modeling career but after her marriage. She decided to give proper attention to her husband.
Bess Katramados Physical Appearance
Bess Katramados was a model and she knows very well how to maintain figure, She is shorter than her husband big Show but she is still very pretty impressive women measured with 33-28-32 inches and 5 feet 8 inches tall. Her exactly weight is unknown, but she was a model and instructor so her weight according her height and figure it may be 64 KGs. Bess Katramados age is 49 years. She is looking too pretty due to her blue colour eye and blonde hair.
Bess Katramados Early Life
She was born in a christen family in Illinois, USA. Bess loved her grandparents more than her father and mother. She liked to spend time with her grandparents. Bess is trying to hide her parents’ name, sibling name and childhood memories. She attended a school Lutheran High School in Illinois. She was not very good at studies. In her final year of high school, she started to take interest in Modelling.
Bess Katramados Personal Life – Husband & Love Story

Before Bess Katramados, Melissa Piavis was the wife of WWE star Big Show, from 1997 to 2002. Big show and Melissa Piavis has daughter Cierra Wight form his relationship. In the Start of 2000, their relationship is started dissolving both know that their relationship is going to doomed. According to the few sources, Big Show and Bess Katramados were in love before Big Show divorced. Big show and his wife decided to get divorced. They officially end their marriage on 6th Feb. 2002 and after 5 days (11th Feb 2002) of the divorce, Bess Katramados and Big Show got married. After the marriage, Bess Katramados stop her modelling career and has been personal trainer and fitness instructor of Big Show.
Show and Bess blessed with two children together and also the stepmother of show’s fist child Cierra Wight. But they still silent to revealing to their children name. Bess and her husband Big Show are not socially active. Now they are liveing with their daughter and son in Miami, Florida in USA.
Bess Katramados & The big show’s Children
Show and Bess blessed with two children together and also the stepmother of show’s fist child Cierra Wight. But they still silent to revealing to their children name. Bess and her husband Big Show are not socially active. Now they are liveing with their daughter and son in Miami, Florida in USA.
Bess Katramados Successful Career
In her final year she wants to be a model so after her graduation from NYC USA she registered herself with a modeling agency. He was very beautiful so he is starting to get a modeling project very soon. She is one the top, then she meets with Big Show and falls in love and decides to quit her career after the marriage and to be a housewife. After the marriage she has been a personal trainer, instructor and takes care of her husband Big Show.
Professional Career of Bess Katramados
She had a good name in the modelling world but after marriage she quit modelling and focused on taking care of her husband. After big show school, he joined a Korean company where he met a professional wrestler, Danny Bonaduce and Danny introduced legendary Hulk Hogan. Hulks recommended him to WCE vice president Erick Bischoff. Once Big show was invited to the Rosemont Horizon show where he met his boyhood idols and had a meeting with Eric, after this meeting he signed an agreement. He was known as The Giant after WCW in 1995.
Bess Katramados Net Worth
After a short time he changed his name to Big Show and has won 7 championship titles and numerous other awards. It increased his wealth. According to the automotive source, Big Show’s net worth is as high as 20$ million. Bess Katramados earns pretty well as she has multiple assets. Katramados and the big show live in a mansion of $2.5 Million.
Who is her husband?
Her husband is Paul Donald Wight II, popularly known with his ring name, The Big Show. He was born on February 8, 1972 in California. At a very early age, he suffered from a severe disease, acromegaly, which is a hormonal disease. Later, this disease was cured through surgery. Let’s get closer towards the big Show:
The big show’s Education background
He went to Wyman King Academy in South California where he played American football and basketball. Later, got admission in college and there he continued to play basketball on the college team. He went to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and became a member of the national collegiate athletic association.
The big Show’s Career
The big show has won 11 tag-team championships, which is not a cup of tea. Apart from that, he has been a winner of the united states championship, hardcore and intercontinental championships.
Facts about Bess Katramados
- She doesn’t like to share her personal life on social media and publicly.
- They bought mansion in Miami, USA in 2010
- Bess Katramados glamorous in her image.
- She has not shared too much image online.
- She is gentle and humble women. After her marriage she agreed to take care Big Show’s first wife daughter.
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