Technology Page 46


technology is one of the most significant factors that shape our modern lives. Technology has enabled us to have access to information at our fingertips and make connections with people from all over the world. It has revolutionized how we work, play, and live in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. As technology continues to evolve so will its impact on society and it is essential for us to embrace these changes if we are going to continue advancing as a species.


Introduction to HTML in Hindi

In HTML, H – Hyper, T – Text, M – Markup, L – Language. Therefore, HTML is the markup language for creating web pages....


When your refrigerator got old or become worn out then you decide to change your refrigerator, the very first thing that one should do...

5 Reason you should install SSL on your website

Secure Socket Layer is full form of SSL. SSL is a protocol used for data encryption between visitor browser and server. SSL certificate creates...
Custom PHP Development

Why Custom PHP Development Is So Popular In 2021

In the last few years, there has been a rapid growth in the number of websites over the internet. As websites are an absolute...
seo for business

Importance of SEO in Successful Run of Business

The Internet resembles a sea where streams of data are assembled each day. The world is currently completely interconnected gratitude to the web. What's...
gaming pc

Must have Components Gaming PC

Sometimes it can seem a bit overwhelming the number of options that we find in the computer market due to advances in technology, and...
record screen on Windows 10

iFun Screen Recorder, the best tool to record on PCs

These days, we are experiencing a daily reality such that everything has been moved to the web and thus investors are keeping an eye...
ducted aircon Sydney

7 Smart tips To live Happy and Healthy Alone

Nowadays, more people are living alone so that they can lead a peaceful life. There are enormous benefits if living alone such as no...

Spectrum offering free internet for students

We all know that due to the outbreak of the pandemic caused due to COVID19 all the schools in the United States have started...
Split Your PDF

Split Your PDF: How to Separate Large PDFs for Better Document Management

You may have modified a PDF document at some point by either extracting a specific page or a set of pages into a separate...