How Digital Tech Improves Education

Societies evolve over time and so does the education system, ensuring that students have the tools they need for a successful life; we live in a digital world and this is reflected in the system of education. Indeed, today’s students have Google to answer any questions; self-learning has become an integral aspect of a curriculum.

Distance learning

Take the top British International School in Bangkok Thailand as an example, they quickly configured online study when the pandemic arrived, and they still have older students who study from home. High school students can set up and configure networks, they can design and build a website and are capable in all aspects of computing.


Computer studies are an option in secondary school, where students learn how to write code using a range of popular platforms such as C++ and HTML. A large percentage of students look to the IT sector for a career and that means schools have to offer the right subjects; colleges and universities offer IT and AI courses to prepare for coding as a career.

Connecting with parents

A large school would have an extended website and intranet that connects all stakeholders; every good school has a strong relationship with parents, arranging learning workshops to help parents understand how learning takes place. Teachers meet the parents on a regular basis, while the IT infrastructure is often managed by older students as a form of work experience. Click here if you are thinking of becoming an online language tutor.

Voice over Internet Protocol

Known as VoIP, this offers real-time video communication and all students would use platforms such as Facebook, Line and Skype to communicate with friends. This tech is not new, early versions of Internet Phone 5 were used in the year 2000, although bandwidths were not as they are today. This allows for parents and teachers to connect and discuss the child’s progress.


IT empowers students in so many ways; using a Google search, you can find the answer to any question, and in less than half a second. Students from Year 4 are encouraged to use IT for learning, with a project-based approach where students are divided into groups and they work on a project of interest to them.

School administration

Schools have a secure network for all data, with sections for teachers, parents and students alike. A cloud-based school management system keeps all stakeholders on the same page; while schools also network, sharing data. The school principal has a single interface from which they can access any section of the data; meetings are held daily to cement a relationship between teachers, students and parents.

School website

When you arrive on the homepage, the menu would be extensive, with a section for admissions, student life, curriculum, academic performance, events and news. Year 11 & 12 students work with the school’s IT staff to gain practical experience and the webmaster might be a student!

The Thai Ministry of Education offers information on schools and styles of learning to help you select the right school for your child.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.