Acharya Chanakya in his Nitislokas (popularly known as Chanakya Niti) said that ” Chintaa (mental illness… Stress, depression, and anxiety) is heavier than Chitaa (burial fire) because “Chitaa Dahati Sajive, Chintaa Dahati Nirjive”. Chitaa burns a dead body whereas Chintaa burns an alive person.”
Yoga teaches you to have a sound mind in a sound body which has a positive effect on all our functions. Body and mind are the sides of the same coin. If anybody has physical illness then his mind will be unhealthy and vice-versa mental illness leads to physically unhealthy. Mental illness may make the person mechanical in his life. There may be a lack of zeal to work, lack of appetite, lack of sleep. We should have overcome the mental illness by adopting Yoga in our daily life. You can join 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course for mastering Yoga and improve your mental health and your body.
Yoga on Mental Health
Life gets busy and there is always tomorrow and then maybe tomorrow again. We are setting things for success. We do not look after ourselves nearly as well as we should. We love to cook but eat poorly. We barely sleep. Resting can be annoying. We are so busy that we have lack of time for our family and friends. Even normal traffic jam also put us in stress.
Some causes of mental stress at different stages of life
Children, young ages, adults and old people have different causes of stress in their lives.
Children- Load of school bag, home assignments, Examination stress, peer pressure, huge aspirations of parents, loneliness at home, parental disharmony, etc can trigger of stress in children.
Young agers– Career building, competition in the field of higher education and employment, love affairs, break up in love, frustration, etc create stress and sometimes leads to alcoholism, drug addict, substance abuse and other things.
Adults- Lack of job satisfaction, the heavy workload at the place of employment due to the shortage of employees as non-appointment in vacant posts, completion of projects in time, the fulfillment of target, low salary, family burden, health problems, etc lead to stress.
Old age– Old age diseases, illness, annoying by the children, loneliness at home as children are employed at different distance cities and in foreign countries, shelter in old age home, etc the main stress in older adults.
Yoga helps you to calm your nerves, increase your mental strength and help you to deal with the situations. Mental illness in city dwellers which has been emerged as a major problem can be treated to some extent through the practice of Yoga. Children can also be taught Yoga from a young age to help them cope with pressures, personal and professional when they attain adulthood. You can join 100 hours Yoga TTC for mastering yoga and improve your mental health.
Stress and depression
Stress is one of the major factors of mental health that leads to depression. Studies indicate Yoga may be able to decrease levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that influences levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with depression.
Benefits of yoga on mental health
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Boosts creativity.
- Alleviates stress and anxiety.
- Improves mood and happiness.
- Strengthens memory.
- Slows the brain aging process.
- Calms your nerves.
Yoga leads to mental wellness
You can deal with stress through Yoga practice. You can learn to calm your responses by extending your reaction time. Thereby giving you better control over your emotional reactivity. Yoga helps you to calm your nerves, increase your mental strength, and help you to deal with the situations.
Yoga asanas like Suryanamaskar, Tadasan, Trikonasan, different types of Pranayama and meditation could help a person cope with stress and depression. Shabasana leaves you in a state of rejuvenation, reducing blood pressure, anxiety, and insomnia.
Nowadays Yoga has become a part of the corporate wellness program and has huge benefits for the employees as it lowers stress levels, relaxes the mind, makes the body flexible and invites an overall feeling of well-being. This improves the performance of the employees and professional development and implementation of Yoga promotes a sense of friendship.