Purchasing a new house is thrilling. You get a new beginning in a new setting with new neighbors, places to go locally, and possibly even a new job. Not to mention a fresh house to settle into. It may also be a little frightening. You were aware of all the risks and hazards at your previous location, after all. These days, you never know what kind of issues may arise. Perhaps things aren’t exactly as they seem they are. How likely is it that a disaster will occur? It is expected that you have already had your locks rekeyed, as it is customary to do whenever you relocate. Think about how general security is? How likely is it that someone will break into your home? And if you’re protected, how frequent are home invasions?
Factors that go into assessing burglary risk
State by state and neighborhood by neighborhood, burglary rates differ. You can learn a lot about your home’s burglary risk from its location. What is the frequency of home invasions in your state?
Your risk of burglary is significantly influenced by the people you surround yourself with. If you are familiar with a home invader, how frequent are they? The Bureau of Justice reports that more than half of burglars are familiar with their victims. Do the people you know seem like they would make good burglars? According to a survey, more than 80% of burglars were driven by a drug addiction.
The Bureau of Justice’s study provides valuable insights into the groups most likely to become victims of burglaries. The information is separated into two groups: burglaries that occur while the house is occupied and burglaries that occur when it is not. How frequent are home invasions when you’re living there, then? Moms who are alone tend to be the most frequent victims of this type of crime. And how frequent are break-ins when the house is unoccupied? Generally speaking, the most frequent victims are single-parent households.
Your risk of being a victim of burglary can vary depending on the time of day and season. Although these statistics are obviously not specific to your new house and are home-neutral, they are still important to take into account when evaluating risk. How frequent are nighttime home invasions, then? The majority of burglaries, according to the FBI, occur during the day. According to the Bureau of Justice survey, only 25% of burglaries occur while the victim is at work and no one is home. When you are on vacation it gets even worse.
Lastly, you should assess your security to see if it is susceptible to theft. Burglars are expert at evaluating a home’s security and determining whether or not it would be possible for them to break in. Quite often, burglaries occur with little to no resistance. Given that you don’t have a security system, how frequent are home invasions? As per certain crime statistics, the likelihood of a break-in is three times higher if you don’t have motion sensors and security cameras installed in your home.
Without any doubt you would want to keep your homes safe and secure irrespective of all the circumstances. Preventing thefts is much easier if you have fool proof locks. Consult Lardner Locks now to install a theft proof locking system to your home.