Collagen is the most abundant protein that your body produces; it offers structural support to the extracellular space of connective tissues. As you age, collagen production declines, so your skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic. You cannot avoid aging, but the good news is that Elmhurst Leva Medical offers several treatments to combat its effects. If you are unhappy with the wrinkles on your face or body, you may be happy to know that you can benefit from various nonsurgical skin tightening procedures. Below is more insight on the different non-invasive skin tightening procedures.
For more information about professional skin treatment head over to Victorian Dermal Group.
Ultrasound skin tightening
As the name may suggest, ultrasound skin tightening uses ultrasound waves to heat the skin at specific depths. Ultrasound energy penetrates up to 5 millimeters beneath the skin, reaching the second layer of muscles and under your facial muscles. The focused ultrasound triggers collagen production, which is essential for firmer skin. One of the main advantages of ultrasound skin tightening is that it makes your skin firmer without leaving any surgical scars. However, as with any treatment method, it has its cons; ultrasound skin tightening causes a few side effects. For example, the treated skin may have grooves or scratch-like marks. Be on the lookout for other possible side effects, including redness, swelling, tenderness, and bleeding that does not resolve within a month.
Radiofrequency treatment
Radiofrequency skin tightening is a non-invasive procedure that uses energy waves to heat the dermis, stimulating collagen production. The treatment is commonly used for the face and neck area, but it can also help with loose skin in your upper arm or belly. Your provider passes a wand over your body during treatment, focusing radio waves on your skin. Treatment may last for 30 minutes or more, depending on the extent of the skin being treated. Since the procedure is not invasive, you will not require downtime meaning you can resume normal activities.

Laser skin tightening
Laser skin tightening is a cosmetic procedure that uses laser light to heat the fibrous proteins beneath the skin (collagen). The most commonly targeted areas include the face, jawline, neck, and stomach. There are different types of laser skin tightening, including ablative, non-ablative, and fractional lasers. Ablative lasers damage the epidermis and heat the underlying skin layer (dermis), stimulating collagen growth.
On the other hand, a non-ablative laser is a less aggressive approach; it has less downtime, but the results are less noticeable. Fractional lasers can be ablative or non-ablative; they create beam columns at skin depths and do not damage the spaces between the columns. If you are looking for skin tightening treatments to target skin laxity due to age, you might be interested in the services Aeon Medical has to offer.
What are the limitations of nonsurgical skin tightening procedures?
Non-surgical skin tightening procedures are not a quick fix; they involve stimulating collagen production, which usually takes time. You may not notice the results immediately after treatment; they appear gradually over several weeks or months. Most of the time, subsequent treatments are necessary to achieve the desired results. These treatments also need to be repeated periodically to maintain the results. Non-surgical skin tightening treatments are also limited to people with mild to moderate skin laxity or early aging signs.
If you have further questions about skin tightening, consult your specialist today at Leva Medical.
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