Do your eyebrows always seem just a little too scruffy for your taste? Have you tried everything from eyebrow gel to an eyebrow razor and still can’t find the right look? Don’t settle for that icky, unibrow look any longer! Brow lamination and tint in Shelby comes for your rescue. Eyebrows frame the eyes and with a well-groomed brow, the face looks more polished. But, who wants to spend money at a salon every month on removing and reinstalling hair-thin strands of hair?
What does Perming Eyebrows mean?
Perming eyebrows means removing all the unwanted hair and leaving uniformed shape to brows. This article talks about home remedies to perm your men should do eyebrow embroidery.
Why perm eyebrows?
Eyebrows frame the eyes and with a well-groomed brow, the face looks more polished. But, who wants to spend money at a salon every month removing and reinstalling hair-thin strands of hair?
Various reasons why you may want to perm your eyebrow:
• To remove all unwanted hairs from brows.
• To shape the eyebrow with a uniform look.
• To take 2 minutes off your make up routine in the morning.
• To relieve hair itchiness which is natural after threading.
How to Perm Your Eyebrows?
Before you start perm your eyebrows, it is important to be aware of the fact that, over time hairs might fall out. You may need to repeat the threading process or you may need a perming session again. When the brows have completed their cycle (about 3-4 weeks) and have fallen, simply thread those areas again.
This method will cost much less than going to a salon. The same thing can be achieved by following simple home remedies:
Easy Method:
This is one of the easiest methods to perm your eyebrows at home. All you need is:
• Elmer’s glue.
• A toothpick.
• A pair of tweezers.
• A pair of scissors.
1) Start off by thoroughly washing your face, cleaning the eyebrows and removing all oil or makeup residue. Pat dry before applying glue to eyebrows that you want to perm. You might want to wear rubber gloves for this process. This step will help you from getting glue on your hands and fingers while working on your eyebrows. If you do not wear gloves, then wash your hands after working with the glue.
2) With the help of a toothpick or small brush, apply glue to your eyebrows in a very thin layer. If you add too much glue, it will be very hard to comb them later on.
3) Wait for 20 minutes or two hours depending on the strength of your glue. As Elmer’s glue dries really quickly and is water resistant, wait for only 20 minutes before moving forward with more steps.
4) Once the waiting period has elapsed, comb your eyebrows by following these simple steps:
i) Start off by using the scissors to trim excess hairs on the bottom of eyebrow.
ii) Use a tweezer to remove any remaining strays inside brows.
iii) Use a toothpick or short brush to remove excess glue and left over glue that is still adhering to eyebrows.
iv) Using tweezers, pick up any stray hairs that are left on the eyebrow. A good pair of tweezers can help with this because they have small eyes so the hairs can be easily plucked with tweezers.
5) Repeat all steps above if you find any stray hairs there after removing and removing the glue.
6) Once your eyebrows have dried completely, comb them again by following these simple steps:
i) Start off by using the scissors to trim excess hairs on the bottom of eyebrow.
ii) Use a tweezer to remove any remaining strays inside brows.
iii) Use a toothpick or short brush to remove excess glue and left over glue that is still adhering to eyebrows.
iv) Using tweezers, pick up any stray hairs that are left on the eyebrow. A good pair of tweezers can help with this because they have small eyes so the hairs can be easily plucked with tweezers.
7) Once your eyebrows have dried completely, comb them again by following these simple steps:
i) Start off by using the scissors to trim excess hairs on the bottom of eyebrow.
ii) Use a tweezer to remove any remaining strays inside brows.
iii) Use a toothpick or short brush to remove excess glue and left over glue that is still adhering to eyebrows.
iv) Using tweezers, pick up any stray hairs that are left on the eyebrow. A good pair of tweezers can help with this because they have small eyes so the hairs can be easily plucked with tweezers.
With Brow lamination and tint in Shelby township, perming eyebrows becomes a very simple process. All you need is your tweezers, toothpick and scissors. You might want to wear rubber gloves for this process because it will help you from the glue sticking to your hands and fingers. If you do not wear gloves, then wash your hands after working with the glue.