Sports Betting 101

If you are interested in sports in any way, it would be difficult to not notice just how prevalent sports betting has become. More and more states are passing legislation to make online sports betting legal all the time.

Before you go getting in the mix, it helps to know a few simple things. If you don’t really know much about sports betting and are considering giving it a try, consider this your crash course: sports betting 101.

Start Small

One of the simplest suggestions when starting out in Virginia online sports betting is to keep your wagers small. Even if you consider yourself to be a sports expert, making money with your wagers is tougher than it seems. When you are just starting out, keeping it small can be highly beneficial.

There are a lot of nuances to know about when betting on sports. It can become all too easy to get confused and find yourself with no money left. By keeping bets small, it provides a learning curve in which to get acclimated. When you feel comfortable, you can raise the amount of that wager but keep it small at first.

Bankroll Management

Perhaps the most integral part of sports betting is bankroll management. We all want to make money from our bets but there is another approach to take. Think of the money that you put into an account as entertainment money. With each wager, you are buying a little bit of entertainment. Which means needing to stretch that money out to make it more valuable.

Let’s say you start with $50. Bet no more than 1-2% with each bet as a good rule of thumb. While the returns might not blow your socks off, this strategy will come in handy when losses start to mount. By keeping bankroll management in mind, it will ensure that you get more entertainment value out of your money than would have otherwise been possible.

Keep it Simple

When first starting, it can feel like you are being pulled in several directions. Do you bet on football? What about hockey or basketball? Why not all of it? While it might be fun to throw a bunch of bets down, it is also the quickest path to more frequent reloads.

By keeping it simple, it becomes easier to keep track of bets. Not only that, but it becomes a bit easier to focus on picking a winner. Throwing out 5, 10, or 15 bets might seem like a lot of fun but there is very little chance that even half of them will hit. Keep it simple and you will play into the previous step by stretching your entertainment dollar further.

Go with What You Know

This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip. We tend to think that our knowledge of sports is quite thorough but there are definitely areas of expertise. To keep things simple, stick to the areas that you know most, especially when starting out. Do you know football better than hockey? Start there. Perhaps you know one football team better than the others.

By keeping it limited to what you know, you keep your attention from becoming splintered. By focusing on one team, you will create better, more educated guesses than normal. While that might not create an automatic winner, it will put you in a better position to win than would have otherwise been possible. There is no foolproof way to win with every pick but having a strategy in place can certainly improve the odds. At the end of the day, favorable odds are the best we can ask for.



Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.