Why is a Plagiarism Checker Important for Students?

Plagiarism represents one of the most complex issues that every student encounters. What some learners do not know is that unintentional plagiarism is quite hard to avoid because one gets used to writing about what has already been mentioned or turns to bits from the past assignments. Using a plagiarism checker will help to seek similarities online and will provide you with more safety regarding style and formatting, just like a pre-grading tool! One of the reasons why students should use it is because it provides a special report that will tell what can be fixed before it is too late!

Why A Plagiarism Checker Is Important For Students

  • Automation Aspect.

It doesn’t take long to register, as you can paste your text and have it checked in minutes. If it allows you to specify what type of essay it is, it will also provide you with automatic checking through journals or social media websites. Make sure that you choose only those plagiarism checkers that do not store your data as Turnitin does!

  • Formatting & Time-Saving.

Even when you are dealing with ten different sources, every school or online course for language studies will have its specific formats and rules. It makes it quite difficult to follow them all as you deal with various citations from books, journals, YouTube, and so on. Using a plagiarism checker will help to avoid the trouble, as you can choose a required type and see what changes are being made. It’s also a great time-saver that you shouldn’t ignore!

  • Avoiding Possible Typos (Built-in Spelling Check).

Plagiarism checkers will also help you to avoid typos in certain cases, as they may have a built-in spelling checker. It is also a good way to structure your sentences differently and focus on what kind of readability issues may be there. If available, it will help you see what parts must be edited and where the majority of similarities are being met.

  • Detection of Similarities.

When you have a plagiarism report based on your text, you can see what similarities have been detected and where exactly based on websites, special databases, and more, depending on what plagiarism checker is used. When you are not sure about how to change something that has been detected, consider checking Writing Universe for all kinds of help regardless of topic and complexity. When you get just a bit more assistance and inspiration, you’ll learn how to rephrase your ideas and approach them differently!

The Moral Aspect

Of course, no one in a sane state of mind will turn to plagiarism or cheating of any kind when submitting an important college assignment. Still, one should remember that trying to stand for one’s ground and honesty is still possible when you know that you have not cheated. It will always depend on what kind of plagiarism has been detected and the past history of similar academic misconduct. According to plagiarism reports in the United States, plagiarism cases vary from course to course, which also comes down to the moral aspect and one’s attitude. Unfortunately, it doesn’t talk about formatting mistakes that are not always intentional. It is another reason to approach plagiarism checking online because you can check the formatting, style, and all these rules for listing information from a certain resource.


As an educator, content writer, and researcher, Barbara constantly explores the fields of education and technology. Her posts seek innovative solutions and helpful tips to make the learning process easier. Follow Barbara to learn something new and get inspired.

Vivek is a published author of Meidilight and a cofounder of Zestful Outreach Agency. He is passionate about helping webmaster to rank their keywords through good-quality website backlinks. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. You can find him on Twitter and Linkedin.